The View Documents page provides the ability to see all the documents and qualifications for members of your organisation and sub-organisations.
You can expand the number of visible results by using the drop-down at the top left and filter any of the columns by using the Search box at the top right.
Documents Tab
The documents tab will show all current documents. This means anything that a person has made visible to their organisation, that has not expired.
Verified Tab
This will show documents that have been able to be verified with their issuing authority. This article explains more about the documents that can be verified.
Expiring Tab
Documents that are due to expire within the next 90 days will be shown here. Documents that do not have an expiry date in them will not be visible.
Invalid Tab
This will show any documents that were not able to be verified with the issuing authority. This is usually due to a name or card number mismatch or typo but can be due to the document/card no longer being current or being revoked.
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